In bibliotheken gebeurt tegenwoordig veel meer dan alleen boeken uitlenen. Maar krijg dat maar eens bij de mensen tussen de oren. Ik vond een blog met voorbeelden waar het imago van biebs wordt opgepoetst.
Instanovels van NYPL
So the NYPL created “Insta Novels,” digitized versions of classics designed to be read on a smartphone. Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland was the first classic to get the treatment.
Ik schreef al eens over instanovels en ook over het succes.
“Tongue in cheek”
The University of Liverpool Library tweets tongue-in-cheek admonishments, including a long-running gag imploring patrons not to remove “do not remove” signs. The Düsseldorf Public Libraries use Snapchat to reach young people and runs a popular blog called buchstabensuppe, or alphabet soup.
“We realized our students really latched on to posts that had a sense of humor,” Chatten said. “They began thinking of the library as a character: someone who is a little bit bossy and fussy, sometimes annoyed, but who really cares about the students.”
Since then the team has tweeted about missing staplers, the library’s uncomfortable temperature settings and flirting among patrons. A particularly popular tweet reminded students not to place half-eaten sandwiches on shelves, helping kick off the #shelfwich hashtag.
Evenement promoten via Facebook
Facebook Events aanmaken is geen raketwetenschap en wordt al veel en vaak gedaan. En terecht, want je maakt het klanten makkelijk om aan te melden. Bij een cultureel evenement in de bieb van San Francisco kwamen mensen in drommen.
The SFPL cut off registration at 12,000 people. (…) “It was unreal,” said Mindy Linetzky, the library’s communications director, adding that a line snaked around the corner and was longer than the one in front of the rock concert across the street. “People were looking at us like, ‘What are we missing?'”
Bron: Libraries lean on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to reel you in